
Past Times in West Blacket

West Blacket has been developing and changing over 200 years. After a relatively fast start at the beginning of the nineteenth century pace slowed. The area increasingly contained a mixture of residential and commercial properties. In the past decade the pattern has changed again as larger industrial enterprises have given way to modern housing. The mix, in such a small area, contributes much to its charm as well as highlighting the value of such an organization as the West Blacket Association.

Our Aims

These history pages have two aims:

The first, for the interest of outsiders as well as residents, is to build up a picture of life and work in the West Blacket area since this part of the City of Edinburgh was first developed.

The second is to share tips and information which will help those interested in researching the past of their own homes.

Contact Us

All contributors welcome! Further information and comments can be emailed to Ron Hill or to Rosemary Wake.

Revision Information - September 2009

The current version of these pages contains substantially extended information on Minto Street, both on the 'Street by Street' and on the 'Notable People' pages.

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